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Do you know how much God loves you?

Thank you for visiting my site. I have a burden to help women know who they are in Christ and totally fall in love with Jesus. My desire is to see all women value and love themselves as their heavenly Father values and loves them, to recognize their potential, fulfill their purpose, reach their destiny, and to live Psalm 30, which describes mourning being turned to dancing. Check out the other resources I have available to empower you!

Empowering Resources
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Honor Yourself You Are Highly Favored And Loved

Do You Want To:


  • Know who you are?  

  • Know whose you are?   

  • Develop your inner beauty

  • Become a vessel of honor?

  • Value and love yourself?

  • Fulfill your destiny?

  • Rebuild your life?

  • Turn your hurt into helping others?

  • Build faith and hope in broken live   

    …then read on!

If these are your desires, apply the scriptures in this book to your life, learn to see yourself as God sees you, and immense yourself in His love. The Lord will set you apart for the purpose for which He created you. You will be His vessel of honor to bring Him glory.  

I have a desire to see all women value and love themselves as their Heavenly Father values and loves them, to recognize their potential, fulfill their purpose, reach their destiny, and to live Psalm 30 to the fullest.

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God's Lent Child

"This book is sure to encourage every person who reads it.”


How do women find faith and trust in the midst of the loss of their dream? God’s Lent Child is a comforting resource that will encourage and empower the reader. How does one find hope and strength in the darkest night of the soul? Answers were found by the young mother pleading for the life of her newborn; by the parents whose daughter never came home; by a mother who never got to say “goodbye”’ and by the woman clothed in regret for the lost life that would have made positive change in the world suddenly being cut short. In God’s Lent Child find answers to the heart’s most perplexing questions.

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Mama, I Want To Be Like You

Mothers and daughters have a vey close and special relationship. Every little girl’s dream is to be like their mother, and so it is with the main character of this book.  Her mother teaches her many things about like. She instructs her on how to love, give and care for others.

This book came to me while I was writing my other book Honor Yourself You Are Highly Favored And Loved, which is for women and the issues they face in life. I had been researching the Bible and praying for some time about that project when God stopped me and gave me the title to this book (Mama I Want To Be Like You).


I felt impressed that I would dedicate this book to someone special. At that moment, I was driving my car, so I pulled off the road and wrote this entire children’s book exactly as I was inspired.

Later that day, my daughter informed me that she was expecting a baby and I immediately understood what God had shown me.  This book would be dedicated to my grandchild as well as to my mother, who died when I was young.

Mama I Want To Be Like You honors my mother and also celebrates my grandson Asher. It is a legacy that I can leave for him and hopefully bless others as well.

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Here's what people are saying...

“I encourage you to read this book to determine that you cancel rejection, low self esteem, and  abandonment, and through forgiveness demand the freedom of the Lord.” 


—Riva Tims, Senior Pastor, Majestic Life Church

“It’s a shame that many women will relate to this book and its pain; It’s a blessing that they will receive encouragement and direction from it.” 


—Mike Stangel, Senior Pastor, North Shore Christian Fellowship


“When you read this book, it will awaken you to understand the deceptions while leading you to truth, peace, and freedom of knowing who you are!”


—Michele DeCaul, Life Strategist, EMERGE! Life Coaching


“I believe this book will inspire women not only to find their true identity but also their healing in the Word of God.”


— Leonard D. Daniels, minister, national recording artist, JUSTUS Records




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