Today 200,000 women annually are abducted into the sex trade industry in the United States. Young and pretty girls are targeted on line by men because of their vulnerability. These lecherous men deceive young girls by promising them jobs as models, dancer, and working as a nanny for a wealthy family. Their bait is lots of money. These men will set up a meeting with unsuspecting girls, abduct them and relocate them to a large city where no one knows them. Many people in the United States are in denial that this is happening right in there own neighborhoods. Parents of teenage girls need to carefully monitor their activities on the internet. We need to be alert in public places to girls who show any signs of fear or uncomfortableness with who the are with. We need to read, learn and become part of the solution to this horrific crime against out children.
One of the ways you can get involved is through the S.O.A.P. project. this project was started by Theresa Flores, an ex trafficked victim. She started this because she believed soap was an item that could have reached out to her. S.O.A.P. was created to educate, save, and enable people to get involved in stopping human trafficking in their communities. S.O.A.P stands for Save Our Adolescents from Prostitution. Soap is wrapped with a red band with theNational Human TraffickingCenter Hotline phone number 1-888-373-7888. These bars of soap are distributed at large events like the Super Bowl. The soap is offered free of charge to motels along with training to be able to identify and report sex trafficking when they see it in their establishments.. To get involved to to soapproject.org.